Friday, May 1, 2009

4 shots

Today was the kid's well child doctor appointments which would typically be no big deal except that Brooke had to get 4 shots. We've known it was coming for a couple weeks. At Kindergarten registration they told us the 4 that she still needed in order to start school. When she found that out, she changed her mind and decided she didn't want to go to Kindergarten after all (which didn't bother mommy). Anyways, I really thought today would be fine after all our talks about being brave. The nurse started to give her the first shot (after using numbing spray), and Brooke screamed and reached down and pulled the shot out of her leg!!!! I thought I was holding her hands well, but obviously, I wasn't. The nurse decided to let Brooke calm down for a minute (yea, right). 10 minutes later, 2 nurses come in with candy (didn't work) and the 4 shots. Brooke has NEVER cried and screamed bloody murder like she did today. It was awful! I was crying too by the time it was over. It was a completely horrible and extremely traumatic experience...but she can go to Kindergarten now. Hope it's worth it.
She's all better now and showing off her beautiful bandaids.
And here's the 5th bandaid from the shot she pulled out. She really scared the nurse when she did that too! She's trying to pretend to scream like she did this afternoon...nice try!

1 comment:

amberdawn said...

Oh WOW! I can't even imagine being in that room with y'all. Thank goodness it's over! Dalton only acts like that when you tell him he can't have cake! :)